Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heart Butte, Thursday

Today was our last day of service in Heart Butte, MT and as we headed out to work projects, the sun was shinning and it was another great day in the mountains.
We are so grateful to have such wonderful weather all week. It has been sunny and no humidity everyday.(We know we lucked out and missed a hot week at home).

Our Marvin and Tom crew headed to Tom's house again to help finish build the sweat lodge. I went with them today and got the privilege to see first hand the beautiful landscape and hear Tom and Marvin's stories. The youth enjoyed working side by side with these men and I watched as they listen intently and observed their cultural and traditions.

Our other painting and work crews finished the houses they had started this week. The crew that was painting the house with graffiti was happy when the little girls who lived there came out and kept them company as they painted.

At kids club it was water day and both our youth and the kids at kids club enjoy the fun with a hose and water balloons.

Our evening activity was the Community picnic: I love Thursday night because it's when we see the community members we have work alongside all week. And our youth sit and share a meal,with them and continue to share stories together.
A wonderful woman from St. Andrew share with our group dresses and shorts she made for kids and we share them with the little girls and boys at the community dinner. Their were so many little happy faces. Thank you Lois for your gift!

Thursday Night Club we read about how Jesus' washes his disciples feet. We are restored in Jesus' love for us and empowered to share His love with others.

We had amazing week in Heart Butte, MT and has we prepare to head home tomorrow. We are still taking in every moment together.

Tomorrow, Friday we head out to Bozman and we will go see Palisade Waterfalls.

Blessings ~ Mel

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