Monday, July 15, 2013

As we travel through Montana to Glacier....

We have traveled on Hwy 2 across Northern Montana from Glendive to Shelby MT. We have had beautiful landscape along the way and the hills are getting larger has we travel west. We arrive in Shelby early evening on Saturday and St. Luke's welcomed us for the night. We headed to Williamson Park for a picnic dinner and enjoyed being outside. The kids hike around and skip rocks into the river. We are spending time getting to one another and I can say we are having a great time and there are a lot of laughs and friendship being made! Sunday... We rose again to clear skis and sunny weather. After packing and a quick breakfast we headed West... destination Glacier National Park for WhiteWater Rafting.
As we drove towards West Glacier the views were amazing and the Chris Tomlin song "Indescribable" was playing in my van.
We arrive at Great Northern WhiteWater Rafting Company and we hit the Flathead river for a two hour adventure, that left us with breath taking views all around us. We enjoyed the boat ride from floating along to the fast paced rapids. Many of us took a swim in the river, it was cool but refreshing (since we have not showered for 2 days). The sun kept us warm and Sunday night we all had rosie cheeks from our wonderful day on the river.
At the end of the 8 miles rafting trip we head back, grab some lunch and headed to Heart Butte, MT our home for the week. Heart Butte is 16 miles out of Browning, MT. The mountains are the back drop of this town.
We arrived at the YouthWorks site, Heart Butte Elementary school in time for dinner, we settled in with the YouthWorks Staff and small church group that is also here from Montana.
Sunday night we all went to bed tried but thankful for the great day outdoors in God's country and excited to start our week serving here on the Blackfeet Reservation. Today, Monday we rose eager to get our day started. We split up into 5 groups 2 of our groups headed out into the community to do work projects,like painting and lawn clean up. The other 3 groups stay here at the elementary school for Kids Club. This afternoon as I returned from visiting our groups at work projects I came into a beautiful site of Kids Club. Our students were leading music, playing games, reading, and doing art projects with the Kids Club kids. I love being able to watch our youth serve, they do it beautifully and full of grace and love. I am excited to hear about the stories of how their day went and who they met today. More to come.... Blessings, ~Mel

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