Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Heart Butte, MT.... Monday

Today we set out on our first day to serve in the community of Heart Butte and Browning, MT
3 of our crews played with kids at Kids club and our other 2 crews headed out to work protects. Today our actions of love in this community were painting, lawn clean up and playing with kids. "We loved because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19.

Marvin's House
One of our crew's headed to Marvin house. It was bumpy ride, but the view was worth it, as his house sits at the base of the mountain. He has a fresh mountain spring water that runs in his back yard and fresh berries everywhere. The crew got to work quickly painting his home.

Browning: Our other work crew headed to Browning, this group worked in a neighborhood painting front and back door trim and yard clean up.

Kids Club:
Kids Club is held at the Heart Butte elementary school, Kids club as around 60+ kids ranging from age level 3 to 13 years old. The Kids Club kids loved our youth. Our youth jumped right in and show them love and patience, even in the more challenging times. Our kids sang songs and prayed with them (they really like the Radical God song). We read books, played on the playground, and did arts and crafts with the kids. It was a beautiful site to see our youth unconditionally loving the kids of Heart Butte and sharing their gifts with the Kids Club program.

Monday Night: Culture Night:
For our Monday night activity Jolene and her family (sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren)came and share their traditions of the Blackfeet Nation. They spoke to us about Blackfeet beliefs, and they sang and danced for us. They even taught us some traditional PowWow dances.
We invited them to stay for our church time and share our worship time with them. They were very grateful for the invitation as we were the first group to ask them to stay.

The Theme of YouthWorks this summer is UNDesirable. Jesus desires a relationship with us and also wants to seek to be in relationship with others. We find ourselves sinners and broken,and we need Jesus. But through the amazing love of Jesus and the gift of his death on the cross, we are forgiven and a child of God. We are loved and we share that love with others!

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