Thursday, July 19, 2012

We are HeRe to Worship, Unite and Serve

Wednesday we switched up our ministry sites which gave us all a chance to serve the homeless, share time with elderly and love on kids.

For our evening activity we worship at a local church. As a group we really enjoyed the music which was lead by a strong gospel band. The worship experience was very different and diverse, but that did not stop us from worshiping God. It was fun to see the youth get into the music and dance and be moved by music.

We have united throughout the week:
These our the words of the students as they process being in Atlanta.

"We came to Atlanta to take a breath and focus on others. We dived into a new culture; we discovered that there is a world bigger than our own. We came to this community with a sheltered view, but we are leaving with a whole different perspective."

"We are HERE to... Unit with each other and with the community. We are here to use our gifts to love and serve others. You can feel at home no matter where you are or who you are with."

"We are here to experience God in a new way by spreading God's love little by little and taking the spirit of Atlanta home."

"We are here to serve 24 hours in the city of Atlanta but grow a lifetime in faith. We left a little sweat, but took a lot of sunshine, and in the process united through the love of God."

"We are here to be inspired by our experiences with the people we serve. In order to invest the same energy in our own community and continue to enrich our faith by the seeds that were planted."

This week as been amazing and it as blessed us in so many ways. "We came, we saw, we served, we were present, we are leaving changed."

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