Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We are Here to invest

We are finishing day two of our work site ministries. We have been serving i variety and amazing ways. These first two days we have jump into the city of Atlanta with both feet.

We have served with the elderly at a senior center, singing and sharing our stories. We have worked to prep food or served food to homeless at Loaves and Fishes and Open hands. We have loved on children at both the Boys and Girls club, and the Fraser House, a school for children and adults with disabilities. And many of us have worked in the hot Atlanta heat to clean up neighborhoods by picking up trash, helping to mow the lawn or removing mud that has washed in.

The Atlanta people have been welcoming and we have seen God through all we have encountered.

This Psalm verse has inspired me these past two days:
You turned my loud crying into dancing.
You removed my black clothes and dressed me with joy.
So my heart will sing to you. I can't keep silent.
Lord, my God, I will give you thanks forever. (Psalm 30:11, 12 NIRV)

In our faith we are being challenged to be HERE to Worship. To worship God with all or heart and mind and strength. And to be HERE to Invest our whole being, not only in Atlanta but also in our lives at home. God has give everyone gifts and abilities and by using those gifts we worship God and we invest in our relationship with God which allows us to love our neighbors.

Tomorrow, Wednesday we switch to new sites, please continue pray for us.


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